Saturday 18 April 2020

Are you totally accountable for your life?

Do you believe you have a chance to a better life? Will you always presume that maybe someone else is responsible for making sure you are healthy, have a decent life, spending time with your families, chasing your interests, activities and maintaining satisfying relationships.

How big is it?

The reality is you have the primary responsible for the success of your life. You are responsible for your wellbeing, prosperity, job development, financial stability, the nature of your partnerships, the way you invest your energy, your inner peace... The day you recognize that and behave appropriately is the day you motivate yourself to continue going forward. Know that all you feel today is focused on decisions that you made in the past. If you want great outcomes, then just make great choices.

When you are hoping for things to improve anyway, you'll actually be upset if the condition becomes better on its own. Take accountability, then accept complete responsibility. Own your life and make it representative of your goals, ambitions and wishes.

By following these three essential actions you will start taking complete responsibility: 1. Start accusing You're programmed to fault someone else for the mistakes from adolescence, even the not so fun circumstances. However accusing your father, friends, coworkers, employers, administration, environment, fate, stars, sun alignment etc would bring you nowhere. You have to focus on the one aspect you manage i.e. yourself.

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  1. Avoid offering excuses You lose an ability to evolve growing time you offer an excuse. You build a feeling that you are unprofessional too. Many citizens are offering reasons because they are scared of disappointment. And when confronted, that very discomfort will make you get out of your comfort zone and seek something new. A performance there would do miracles for your self-confidence and extend your scope.

  1. Start moaning The guy who laments the way the ball bounces is likely to be the person who lost it ~ Lou Holtz Face it, no person wants to hang around someone who cries. Complaining wastes the time and that of others. Yeah, there are moments where everyone feels like getting our emotions out. It's good thinking about it, learning about it, seeking to find strategies to solve problems is constructive, it will open you up to fresh thoughts and approaches. Nevertheless endless moaning and crying cause you sound like a suspect, discourages you and leaves you trapped in the state of helplessness.

If you agree, none of the above three can benefit you, they can suck your precious resources away and make you ineffective with those around. Any time a client begins taking complete ownership in my coaching practice, I find that they show higher energy rates, greater determination and stronger will power.

Set a task NOT to criticize, lament, or apologise for the next 30 days to see what's going on.

  1. Bigger Responsibility Realizing that you are in command of your life, the choices you create, the decisions you create, the acts that result can make you feel confident and allow you more influence of your life.

  1. Personal Control In a constructive and mature context, that is power. It's the wonderful feeling of being conscious that you're entire, total, resourceful and worthy of achieving, attaining, rising and progressing. That is the power that holds you going and allows you to move against your essential objectives.

  1. Stream of Insights Insights or those times of 'aha' come to you when you feel comfortable, when your mind is clear of anxiety and accessible to fresh thoughts. Every day you live by taking full accountability, you reinforce your trust in your inner capital and your ingenuity in seeking answers to the challenges of life. The quicker they arrive the further you try it.

  1. Richer insights You have grown up with a world-wide behavioral pattern focused on your life experiences to date. However if they might have guided you well so far, that is not always the only way to look at the universe. The more opportunities you will step yourself to, the smarter you are going to be. Taking ownership encourages you to obtain more knowledge, enables you to learn fresh viewpoints, lets you acquire new perceptions and extend the scope and the thought.

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