Friday 16 October 2020

Website Comparison Analysis - How to Do a Web Analysis


This article has only covered some of the areas that you may want to think about when carrying out a site comparison analysis. Other aspects to think about may include:

Mobile/Responsive Design: Are the websites designed for mobile usage? A lot of people go out and purchase a website because it is available in mobile formats, such as on their mobile phone. However, this often leads to people either having to deal with slow loading pages, or a website that does not work properly on a mobile device. If a website was built with this in mind, then this will have been taken into account in the development process.

SEO: Is the website optimized for the search engines in question? A lot of search engines will give you a different ranking based on how you have optimized your website. If you want your website to appear at the top of the results page, it may be in your best interests to have an SEO strategy in place.

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Keywords used in the content of the site: There are quite a few things that can affect the ranking of a website. For example, if the keywords used within the content are too general, it will not be picked up by the search engines. If the keywords used within the site are too specific however, it may have very high search engine ranking.

Traffic Sources: It can be extremely important to get as much traffic as possible. Without traffic, it is impossible to generate sales. Many companies do the appropriate keyword research, build their website, and put up their website; however, they often do not think about the traffic source that is involved.

One of the best ways to find out more about the traffic that is coming to a website is through a website analysis. This will take all of the factors that were previously discussed into account, and allow you to see how it will impact your overall website ranking in Google and other search engines. When looking at these numbers, remember to keep all of the above points in mind when considering what to include in the website.

Site Description: What information is the website providing to the customer? What benefits does the site provide to the customer? How easy is it to navigate the site? All of these questions need to be answered before you can start ranking your website in Google, and other search engines.

Meta Tags: These tags are tags which are included in the HTML of the site, and are then placed into the resource box (on the top of each page). Meta tags can be written in HTML or in XML, and used with a programming language like PHP or ASP. in order to create unique web code. When using a programming language to create the tags, always use tags that are unique to the domain you are using.

Getting a website analysis done may seem expensive, but many people are starting to realize that you will get more out of your SEO marketing budget if you are able to do this in order to get your website ranked higher in the search engines. This will allow you to get more customers, more sales, and ultimately, more profits.

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